I know alot of you get bored on EO and who can blame you? so heres some things you can do,
try to do everysingle one.
1)Go to the arena
2)Train >_>
3)Insult a speeder
4)Waste a scammers time
5)Pretend to be from Poland
6)convince a polish person that your from poland
7)Play Neava (Avamay's game)
8)Anoy everyone on Neava
9)See how quickly you can get banned from Neava (my best is about 10 seconds, thanks Nez >_>)
10) tell someone you don't know that you love them
11)Find a wife/husband
12)Think of ironic ways of dieing
13)Anoy everyone on global without spamming
14)Follow a spammer around and spoil his/her fun
15)Help a newb
16)Go to Pk and see how long you can servive untill a speeder kills you
17)Go into PK and insult speeeders and see how long you last
18)Pretend to be a talking tree/house/bush/sign
19) Follow someone around without talking to them
20)Make a friend
21)Anoy a blogger (but not me)
22)Try to get on a bloggers latest post
23)Go around telling people "i'v seen the light"
24)Go around resiteing song lyrics
25)Imagine your life was a musical (dont ask questions, just do it)
26)Pretend to be a nerd
27)Ask people repeatedly where the star trek convention is
28)Be gay
29)Try to get someone to teel you your posh without asking them to say it
30)Kill an autoer
31)Join a non-cheating guild
32) make a blog
33)Hug someone
34)Learn something
35)Get some fresh air
36)Pretend to be a character from Dr who
37)Pretend to be Pokemon
38)PLay an instrument
39)Read peoples blogs
41)Get someone to call you random
42)If you speed/spam/scam/hack then go die
43)Whats the meaning of life? try answering it in one word
44)Find a religion
45)Have a moment of sanity and give up religion
46)Insult a Jehovers witness
47)Make Money!!
48)Draw something
49)Insult PCessna
50)just dance
51)Play EO for 5 mins completely naked in real life
52)Resite the ALL the lyrics on eo to your national anthem
53)Convince someone you can fly in real life
54)Convince someone your a secret agent
55)Give a newb at least 2k. If your over lvl 20 give a newb 10k
56)Get someone on Global to call you a newb
57)get someone on global to call you a noob
58)Make a line of at least 7 people anywhere on eo
59)Reach Apozen's lair
60)Kill Apozen
61)Get a speeder killed at Apozen's Lair
62)Correct someone who calls Anudo "jap town" (there no pandas in Japan)
63)Say "Megalolz" to everyone in the town square individually
64) Collect pickles at bogomen
65)Look for people to put on iggy.
66) Flame Wickedfrost
67) Stalk people
68) Make friends with a random person
69) chase someone saying 'u' 'u' 'u' etc... when they finally turn around say 'hi' then run off =]
70) Report as many cheaters as you can find. aim for at least 10 an hour...
71) Go annoy someone random.
72) Logon and then follow the first person you see until either they or you logoff.
73) Offer for a lored item to annoy people =]
74) Try to think up more of these things =]
I'd apprishiate suggestions on what else i could add to the list. Remember take a good hard look at your self in the mirror and punch yourself in the face if your a cheater. Have a nice day. =]
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Things to do on and off eo when your bored
Posted by Deadwil at 08:53 3 comments
Friday, 28 March 2008
Fake Items
For gods sake don't pick any items up off the floor because its likely that they are fake items that canot be deleted unless you get the real one. The only way to get rid of it is to get the real one relog
Posted by Deadwil at 12:46 0 comments
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Looks like endless online has got some competition, well. kinda XD with Boz-Online and Avamay's new game, they are obviously not as advanced has eo but still its something different to do =].
Posted by Deadwil at 05:17 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Spammer at wall
Apparently last night Vult-r logged on with teror and tryed to free everyone who was walled. But he failed, as soon as the counter started a spammer logged on and dissconnected most people, a few people managed to ignore the spammer in time but most didn't. I think it would be wise of Vult to actually stay online next time he starts the timer so he can firstly, see if an idiotic spammer comes on and secondly, see if anyone tryes to speed through the maze to get out. Its only a few extra seconds Vult, i'm sure you can spare them.
Posted by Deadwil at 11:56 0 comments
Monday, 17 March 2008
LID next to your name
I'm not sure why people think you need to log off eo in order to have the guild tag next to your name, you don't all you need to do is press f12 and if you recruit someone into a guild you do the same thing and you will see the guild tag next to their name..
Posted by Deadwil at 10:36 0 comments
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Posted by Deadwil at 13:13 0 comments