Light in darkness

Light in Darkness: 2008

Friday, 11 July 2008

Watch Forbidden Kingdom Free

Yes i Sh1t you not, its the whole film in awesome quality Here Watch it quick cos i'm pretty sure its very illigal and will be taken down soon.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Top 20 Dangerous drugs

Quite intersting results

20-Khat (starting as least dangerous, according to effect on society, possible addiction and short/long term effects on indiv.)
19-Alkyl Nitrate
18-Ecstasy (MDMA)
16-Anabolic Steroids
4-Street Methadone
1-Heroine (most dangerous) (yes I know meth is considered a more harmful drug but this is what THIS list says)

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Dcing is bk!!

So i was in the guild house and everything froze and i looked at the chat and and was met with the feeling of horror, he didn't manage to dc me. After i ignored him i tryed refreshing my page but client froze which sucked. 

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Boring eo

WOW! eo has been really boring lately i even resorted to training to pass the time, thats how desperate i was, so i'll proberly just be on Dofus or watching euro 2008 untill someone finds a new dupe or somethign to liven the place up.

Friday, 30 May 2008


Hi,i'm sorry i havn't done anything new to the blog but my free trial on fireworks run out and all the otehr ones suck but oh well never mind. Anyway i found a coool site where you can watch whole simpsons episodes for free heres the link The Simpsons

Friday, 23 May 2008 hack or dupe?/old server

ok so Vult left the old server up filled with glitches and stuff click here to go to wikky's site for more info. But on other news some guy traded me and look what i saw =O is this a trade hack or a new dupe?


Monday, 19 May 2008

Main server is down

Ok eo main server is down due to maintinence there will be an ip chnage but if your using to connect then there will be no problem. Test is still up so you can play on that to waste some time. Heres the forum post by Vult-r - here

Changing to test server instructions

1)Press start
2)Go to My Computer
3)Local disk
4)All Programmes
7)Change the server host/ip to TEST.ENDLESS-ONLINE.COM
8)Click save

You'll have to make a new acount when you connect to test server
My Character on Test is called Dropdeadwil

Sunday, 18 May 2008

New server for EO

Right, Vult said on a post on the forums that he is moving the main and test to new servers, i think this will mean that there will be less lag but thats about it, it doesn't mean there will be a server wipe. So dont panic. Heres the link Vult-r's forum post

Tuesday, 13 May 2008


Ok, LID is still in this on going "thing" with PNS meaning we hate each other.I'm gonna try and make this blog look a little bit better and neaten it up a bit for example getting rid of the "image image thing in the top left hand corner which is realli quite anoying and makeing the header better.

Mean while not much is happening on eo apart from speeding and scamming still being a major problem and i'v notcied the flood hack is getting alot more common now especially in teh guild house.

Theres a guild battle thing going on here but i dont realli see the point of LID taking part as we dont have any high lvls in our guild.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Pmcdag = Scammer

yeh thats right, leader of PNS the 8th biggest guild on endless Online is a scammer i'v now had quite a few people telling me so on the forums heres the link Pmcdag scammers make me angry, more so than speeders, with a speeder they may take your kills but at least they can't take away things you'v already got, the items that you'v spent hours trying to scape enough money for, and when you finally do some dumbass takes it away from you without any mercy.

Monday, 5 May 2008


I saw Rexor yesterday i was happy lol i never get to see admins =D

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Endless Online Forums

Ok good news for all you forum hussies out there theres a complete new layout for the eo forums with more options and a generally cooler look check it out

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Top 100 players

I remember a time when Medsusa was about 5 lvls ahead of everybody else, oh how times have changed, shes now third behind madarksoul.take a look Top 100 eo players

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Avamay quit...

Yeh, Avamay's quit apperantly, i don't know why, even though i found her kinda anoying at times i think i might miss her a little bit, oh well never mind.
Avamay's blog
I havn't seen vult on for a little while which sucks but i'm sure hes jsut working hard on aother stuff.

After i've done my media coursework i'll start spooosing this blog up a bit i think.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

New guild

Yeh, i made a new guild called Deadwils secret army (DXX) anyone is welcome to join, got about 10 members so far same sort of guild to LID i supose but my priority will always be with LID obviously Been learning some HTML which interests me because i'm weird/a nerd but whatever

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Marriage Caps

Ok, if your married look at your paperdoll, your partners name is now in capitals. I dunno why lol, Vult rebooted the server and it was like that when we all logged bk on. I'm not sure if it was a mistake cos it seems kinda pointless to me.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Speed back

I'm sure alot of you are wondering why once again speeders are everywhere you look. well its because the anti-speed script was messing with the server, hence the freezing of acount we had yesterday. So vult has yurned that script off untill he has worked out why it was messing things up. Dont worry its only temporary...hopefully. =P

Monday, 21 April 2008


Ok weird happenings on eo, people are getting dissconnected nut there character stays logged on theres over 2000 people online but more than half are frozen and its just happened to me lol avean is full of frozen people literally 100s of people! domnt worry though its not that your acount has been hacked, so keep calm, i'm sure Vulty can fix it. =]

on another subject i'm sure you'v heard pretty much everything has been fixed speed,
spamming and invisible etc. Vult and arvid actually came on and did an event for cook suit and chef hat and docter suit and nurse suit it was crazy but awesome. things are looking up people.


Saturday, 19 April 2008


Ok i just realised that because of the rediculasly bad admin attention endless online gets alot of you have proberly never seen an admin  before. so heres my only screenie of an admin =]

Friday, 18 April 2008


Ok its a great day for anyone who plays endless online. you may have noticed that Vult has been rebooting the server alot 2day, this is because he has been fixing different glitches. The biggest of the these glitches is the dc hack! yes! i know its hard to believe but its true!! no more getting your client shut down by idiots! hes also fixed one of the duping glitches and has changed the max amout of gold you can have in your bank to 1 million. Hes working on fixing the invisible hack and may have even fixed it now. whoop =]

Monday, 14 April 2008

Guild deletions

Last night Vult came on and deleted a few guilds, the biggest of them being YFL, from what i remember YFL is a hacking/scamming guild so oh well never mind.Also admin scrolls seem to be the new currency

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Things to do on and off eo when your bored

I know alot of you get bored on EO and who can blame you? so heres some things you can do,
try to do everysingle one.

1)Go to the arena

2)Train >_>

3)Insult a speeder

4)Waste a scammers time

5)Pretend to be from Poland

6)convince a polish person that your from poland

7)Play Neava (Avamay's game)

8)Anoy everyone on Neava

9)See how quickly you can get banned from Neava (my best is about 10 seconds, thanks Nez >_>)

10) tell someone you don't know that you love them

11)Find a wife/husband

12)Think of ironic ways of dieing

13)Anoy everyone on global without spamming

14)Follow a spammer around and spoil his/her fun

15)Help a newb

16)Go to Pk and see how long you can servive untill a speeder kills you

17)Go into PK and insult speeeders and see how long you last

18)Pretend to be a talking tree/house/bush/sign

19) Follow someone around without talking to them

20)Make a friend

21)Anoy a blogger (but not me)

22)Try to get on a bloggers latest post

23)Go around telling people "i'v seen the light"

24)Go around resiteing song lyrics

25)Imagine your life was a musical (dont ask questions, just do it)

26)Pretend to be a nerd

27)Ask people repeatedly where the star trek convention is

28)Be gay

29)Try to get someone to teel you your posh without asking them to say it

30)Kill an autoer

31)Join a non-cheating guild

32) make a blog

33)Hug someone

34)Learn something

35)Get some fresh air

36)Pretend to be a character from Dr who

37)Pretend to be Pokemon

38)PLay an instrument

39)Read peoples blogs


41)Get someone to call you random

42)If you speed/spam/scam/hack then go die

43)Whats the meaning of life? try answering it in one word

44)Find a religion

45)Have a moment of sanity and give up religion

46)Insult a Jehovers witness

47)Make Money!!

48)Draw something

49)Insult PCessna

50)just dance

51)Play EO for 5 mins completely naked in real life

52)Resite the ALL the lyrics on eo to your national anthem

53)Convince someone you can fly in real life

54)Convince someone your a secret agent

55)Give a newb at least 2k. If your over lvl 20 give a newb 10k

56)Get someone on Global to call you a newb

57)get someone on global to call you a noob

58)Make a line of at least 7 people anywhere on eo

59)Reach Apozen's lair

60)Kill Apozen

61)Get a speeder killed at Apozen's Lair

62)Correct someone who calls Anudo "jap town" (there no pandas in Japan)

63)Say "Megalolz" to everyone in the town square individually

64) Collect pickles at bogomen

65)Look for people to put on iggy.

66) Flame Wickedfrost

67) Stalk people

68) Make friends with a random person

69) chase someone saying 'u' 'u' 'u' etc... when they finally turn around say 'hi' then run off =]

70) Report as many cheaters as you can find. aim for at least 10 an hour...

71) Go annoy someone random.

72) Logon and then follow the first person you see until either they or you logoff.

73) Offer for a lored item to annoy people =]

74) Try to think up more of these things =]

I'd apprishiate suggestions on what else i could add to the list. Remember take a good hard look at your self in the mirror and punch yourself in the face if your a cheater. Have a nice day. =]

Friday, 28 March 2008

Fake Items

For gods sake don't pick any items up off the floor because its likely that they are fake items that canot be deleted unless you get the real one. The only way to get rid of it is to get the real one relog

Spamming =P

i think its getting a little bit out of hand don't you?

Saturday, 22 March 2008


Darkcutter is banned, hes a trust scammer


Looks like endless online has got some competition, well. kinda XD with Boz-Online and Avamay's new game, they are obviously not as advanced has eo but still its something different to do =].

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Spammer at wall

Apparently last night Vult-r logged on with teror and tryed to free everyone who was walled. But he failed, as soon as the counter started a spammer logged on and dissconnected most people, a few people managed to ignore the spammer in time but most didn't. I think it would be wise of Vult to actually stay online next time he starts the timer so he can firstly, see if an idiotic spammer comes on and secondly, see if anyone tryes to speed through the maze to get out. Its only a few extra seconds Vult, i'm sure you can spare them.

Monday, 17 March 2008

LID next to your name

I'm not sure why people think you need to log off eo in order to have the guild tag next to your name, you don't all you need to do is press f12 and if you recruit someone into a guild you do the same thing and you will see the guild tag next to their name..

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Check out the idiot, this guy has the mental capacity of a pumpkin

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Light in Darkness blog

This will be the site for LID which is a giuld on Endless online

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